Lamp Lifters ... a New Kind of Church

"Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet and a Light unto my path."
Psalm 119:105

Calling All Christians

Lamp Lifters is an outreach ministry meeting the physical and spiritual needs of people in local communities and promoting peace throughout the world.

Our vision is unlike that of other church organizations.

Our staff receive no financial or other temporal compensation.

We operate missions in cities and towns across America and around the world, knowing the need for local Christian service is extreme at this critical hour when God's Gospel is sold like merchandise by men and women who seek the preeminence that is Christ's alone. 3rd John 1:9

All gifts received by this ministry go exclusively to support both the spiritual and physical needs of people in local communities, relieving poverty, illness, hopelessness, and despair.

We share God's Grace by providing food, shelter, clothing, medical provisions, practical education, even tools and vehicles, serving the practical as well as spiritual needs of people in local neighborhoods by meeting every kind of necessity, in every way possible, by every means that God provides.

Share your God-given talents with us, planting this one-of-a-kind local outreach mission where you live, setting foundations in the solid soil of selfless service, so true love can take root, grow quickly, and produce harvests of happiness and peace in your community.

We will help you get started.

Share the Gospel in service motivated by love alone, meeting the needs of people in your community without taking a salary that would hinder the Gospel. 1st Corinthians 9:12

Work with us. Labor is the highest form of worship.

Lift Christ higher so He may draw all men. John 12:32

What we Know

Our Calling