What We Know

"Study to rightly divide the Word of Truth."
2nd Timothy 2:15
Knowing is Better than Believing
The Apostle Paul told the men of Athens that God is "The one in whom we live and move and have our being." Acts 17:28
We know God this way.
God is Reality, around us, within us, alive, personal, searching our hearts, guiding the stars, establishing order in chaos. To deny this is foolishness. Psalm 14:1
God is the Law of Everything, deciding the destinies of both men and nations, the Law that was in the beginning and ever shall be, providing every good gift, deciding our future by how we think and act today, alive, aware, active, absolute. John 1:1
The Bible is a collection of writings by men who also knew these things. The Bible tells us about the Word who is God, the Word that lived in and spoke through Jesus fully, the Word who guides us who hear His Voice within, the Word who speaks Truth in Love and cannot lie, the Light that dispells all darkness, the Peace that passes understanding, the Still Small Voice we all hear when we choose to listen. 1st Kings 19:11-13, Romans 12:2, Philippians 2:13-18
We can agree!
We can walk together.
We can work together.
We can be peacemakers ... together!
We are blessed by sowing fruits of righteousness, making Peace with others and with ourselves, allowing the Word within us to guide and empower us to do God's Will which is peace on earth! Matthew 5:9; James 3:18
None of us is above another. None is chosen to rule the rest. We are co-heirs of God's Mercy and Grace. We share the wonder of life together. We need no man to teach us, for we have the Word who is God within us, motivating us, empowering us. 1st John 2:27
We share God's Love in service to others without compensation. We seek only the blessing we receive by serving. In this way we remove the hindrance that prevents millions from knowing God in Christ and Christ in us. 1st Corinthians 9:12
We know by experiencing God within us, not by blind belief.
God is manifest, present, alive, active. 1st John 4:6-7
We are transformed each day as we hear the Living Word more clearly, gaining victory over our past failures, receiving the reward that is the fruit of God's Righteousness within us. Hebrews 11:16
We see Jesus nailed to that bloody cross as a call to action, urging us to do all in our power to save the innocent from tyranny of every kind in every way and to do it without demanding compensation.
We yearn for the Day when every living soul is protected from the deeds of darkness that delay God's Plan for Peace, confident that all the world will one day know God in Truth, living our lives in harmony with each other, serving selflessly. 1st Corinthians 2:2
What lies beyond this life cannot be known, yet we share Hope as an anchor set securely in our souls, knowing God in Christ can never die, Truth abiding forever, Light driving darkness into hiding, Love never failing, Joy overwhelming. 1st Corinthians 13:8-11
Work with us to lift Christ higher. John 12:32