Calvary's Call

"Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."
Matthew 5:14-16

Compassion, Courage,
Commitment, Cooperation

Jesus suffering on the cross moves us with compassion.

We see Him hanging from cruel nails, falsely accused by the priests and judges of His day, dying for us so we may know what true love is, changing us by His Spirit working within us, motivating us, guiding us, and empowering us to work for His Kingdom ... not just talk about it or pray about it, but to WORK for it.

Compassion for His suffering urges us to pursue Peace, promote Justice, and provide practical help and hope for millions who are walking in darkness among us, alone, forgotten, and utterly lost.

We work together in cooperation, encouraging others to serve selflessly with us, sharing skills and knowledge in His Name, preparing for the Earthly Kingdom of Peace that will come at last when Christ is lifted higher in each and every heart.

We can do more than teach ancient scriptures.

We can do more than persuade souls to salvation.

We can use all our faculties and facilities to lift Christ!

We can use every means at hand to repair broken dreams, straighten crooked paths, persuade humanity to protect the innocent, and do all in our power to promote Peace on Earth by lifting Him who is the Prince of Peace!

We invite you to establish a local Lamp Lifters mission in your neighborhood.

Start a gathering in your home.

Post a flyer where you work.

Call others to work with you.

Promote Christ's Kingdom ... without requiring a salary!

Work with us to lift Christ higher. John 12:32

What we Know to be True

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