The Call of the Cross

"Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."
Matthew 5:14-16

Compassion, Courage,
Commitment, Cooperation

Jesus suffering on the cross moves us with compassion. We see Him hanging from those cruel nails, falsely accused by priests, and dying so we can see what Love is and be changed within.

Our compassion for His suffering urges us to exercise courage to protect innocence from the injustice of our day.

We are committed to work for a future when innocence will be protected from injustice of every kind, when the rules of justice arel enforced with love and mercy, when judges will be guided by the deep compassion that begins only at the foot of Jesus' Cross.

We work in cooperation with each other, encouraging the talents of every individual, sharing our separate skills and knowledge to prepare for the Kingdom that will come when Christ is alive in each and every heart.

We call churches to do more than teach the scriptures.

We call churches to do more than draw souls to salvation.

We call churches to use their vacant facilities to good purpose.

We call churches to use every means to repair broken dreams, to straighten crooked paths, to persuade humanity to join the battle to protect innocence, and to do all in our power to promote the Peace we all desire.

Join us!

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